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Disposable Face Masks and Gloves, and Hand Sanitizing Gel | Accident prevention and PPE


purchase of disposable surgical protective masks with 3-ply, certified EN 14683

purchase of disposable FFP2 protective masks without valve

purchase of hand washing sanitizing gel without rinsing, hand disinfection





Workwear catalogue


Corporate clothing catalogue

Cast Bolzonella for safety wear prducts and PPEs

Cast Bolzonella: specialized for over 50 years in the production and sale of work clothes


We've always focused on work clothes, offering an extensive catalogue for all types of companies that need work clothes and want to enhance their corporate image.


Light blue disposable medical masks with heat-sealed ear bandsFFP2 Disposable masks with nose piece and heat-sealed elasticsKN95-FFP2 disposable maskHand sanitizer gel 500 mlDark Nitrile disposable gloves, latex free and powder free 

In this particular historical period, to face the Covid-19 emergency, we decided to support our customers by including in our usual product line, the possibility to order disposable masks, nitrile gloves, and hand sanitizing gel.

On our website we have also given the possibility to request washable and reusable fabric masks, to be customized with the colors and logo of your company. We hope that this will help everyone to restart once the emergency is over.

When masks are mandatory

Masks are mandatory indoors regardless of social distance. The only exceptions are bars and restaurants (when eating and drinking) and when exercising in the gym. Children up to the age of six years and those who suffer from disabilities that prevent them from using the mask, are exempt from the obligation to wear masks.

As for the use of face masks on the working place, it is always mandatory when social distancing cannot be guaranteed or any other situation where social distancing cannot be maintained. It is essential that the masks and any other PPE (glasses, overalls, gloves, headphones, etc.) adopted in the workplace comply with the provisions of the health and scientific authorities. Companies are also required to provide employees with adequate items for frequent hand cleaning. For this reason the sanitizing gel should be placed in several places, easily identifiable.

DPI and medical devices: how masks are classified

All products offered on are CE marked. However, it is important to remember that there are different classifications for the masks. They can be recognized as personal protective equipment (PPE) or as medical devices (DM).
What is the difference? Masks classified as PPE represent equipment intended for individual health protection. They are suitable for all citizens who want to protect themselves from those harmful agents dangerous to human beings. The masks with DM classification, on the other hand, are those that are normally used in a medical setting. For the period of the health emergency Covid-19 they have been equated to PPE.

The meaning of CE masking in protective masks

The CE marking represents a set of mandatory practices for all articles subject to EU directives. In order to obtain it, the manufacturer must submit a declaration of conformity to the safety requirements established by regulations and directives of the European Community. The products on which this symbol appears therefore meet all the obligations to which producers or importers are subjected (for goods placed on the market under their responsibility).

In order to have the certainty to protect their own health and that of others, every private citizen or VAT registration number holder should make sure to buy products with CE certification. Especially because in this period of health emergency the Italian State allows employers to equip their staff with masks that have not obtained the CE mark, thus making this kind of articles PPE s which are suitable for work. However, it remains the employer's responsibility to verify the quality and effectiveness of non-certified masks.

How to buy certified masks and other products

Our website is aimed at private, corporate and Public Administrations. Companies and individuals can buy directly through the site in two ways: or sending a request via e-mail (at or through our contact form. A minimum quantity is required for the purchase. Moreover, our products are not available through retail distributors. 




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2014  Milano
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Via Sandro Botticelli, 34
10154  Torino
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6900 Lugano, Ticino (CH)
Tel: +41-

P.I. 05160150289

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