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Washable THM900HTN masks | Cast Bolzonella

Washable THM900HTN masks

The washable THM900HTN masks for personal use are a product Made in Italy. This model is fast to wear thanks to its earloops to be placed on the ears.

Reusable fabric THM900HTN


Washable and customizable mask:

  • This is not a PPE (Personal Protectin Equipment);
  • This is not a MD (Medical Device);
  • OEKO-TEX STANDARD certified;
  • Customizable with company logo;
  • Colors available: white, black and Italian flag;
  • Packs of 50 pieces;
  •  Minimum purchase: 1000 pieces.


Technical information

Washable THM900HTN masks are neither a Medical Device nor a PPE. These masks' only purpose is to limit the spread of the virus in the surrounding environment.

These masks, once folded, measure 17,5x14cm. These masks are reusable and must be washed at 30°/40°C, and ironed at a maximum of 150°C. It is possible to dry the mask in the drying machine using low temperatures. It is possible to wash it with oxygen bleach (for example using detergent for wash-resistant clothes), but not chlorine bleach.

It is best to sanitize the mask before the use.

Washable masks, other than being eco-friendly and "green", are the perfect marketing tool. They can be customized with yur company's logo. Customization techniques available to choose are heat transfer printingdigital patches application or Vinyl cut lettering.

Scopri di più sulla personalizzazione con transfer Approfondisci la personalizzazione con intaglio termosaldabile con plotter Vai alla pagina sulle personalizzazione con etichetta digitale

The mask composition

The washable THM900HTN masks are made with a double layer using 100% cotton Ring Spun 140 gr/mq. Inside there is a Spunbonded TNT polypropilene 30 gr/mq layer.

Colors available are white, black and Italian flag.

How to wear it?

It is very important, before using the mask, to wash your hands well, or to rub them with alcohol solution hand sanitizer gel.

To use it, simply open it by pulling it from the earloops and place the chin on the inside of the mask. Once placed the earloops around the ears, it is important to make sure the mask adheres well to the face, by pressing the metal band on the nose.

These masks are disposable, so they should be replaced after each use.

To remove it, grab the earloops again, taking care not to touch the inside part of the mask.

Once thrown into the mixed waste, it is important to wash your hands again.

Minimum order

Washable THM900HTN face masks are singularly packed in boxes of 25.
The minimum order is 1000 pieces.


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Washable THM900HTN masks

The washable THM900HTN masks for personal use are a product Made in Italy. This model is fast to wear thanks to its earloops to be placed on the ears.

Reusable fabric THM900HTN


Washable and customizable mask:

  • This is not a PPE (Personal Protectin Equipment);
  • This is not a MD (Medical Device);
  • OEKO-TEX STANDARD certified;
  • Customizable with company logo;
  • Colors available: white, black and Italian flag;
  • Packs of 50 pieces;
  •  Minimum purchase: 1000 pieces.


Technical information

Washable THM900HTN masks are neither a Medical Device nor a PPE. These masks' only purpose is to limit the spread of the virus in the surrounding environment.

These masks, once folded, measure 17,5x14cm. These masks are reusable and must be washed at 30°/40°C, and ironed at a maximum of 150°C. It is possible to dry the mask in the drying machine using low temperatures. It is possible to wash it with oxygen bleach (for example using detergent for wash-resistant clothes), but not chlorine bleach.

It is best to sanitize the mask before the use.

Washable masks, other than being eco-friendly and "green", are the perfect marketing tool. They can be customized with yur company's logo. Customization techniques available to choose are heat transfer printingdigital patches application or Vinyl cut lettering.

Scopri di più sulla personalizzazione con transfer Approfondisci la personalizzazione con intaglio termosaldabile con plotter Vai alla pagina sulle personalizzazione con etichetta digitale

The mask composition

The washable THM900HTN masks are made with a double layer using 100% cotton Ring Spun 140 gr/mq. Inside there is a Spunbonded TNT polypropilene 30 gr/mq layer.

Colors available are white, black and Italian flag.

How to wear it?

It is very important, before using the mask, to wash your hands well, or to rub them with alcohol solution hand sanitizer gel.

To use it, simply open it by pulling it from the earloops and place the chin on the inside of the mask. Once placed the earloops around the ears, it is important to make sure the mask adheres well to the face, by pressing the metal band on the nose.

These masks are disposable, so they should be replaced after each use.

To remove it, grab the earloops again, taking care not to touch the inside part of the mask.

Once thrown into the mixed waste, it is important to wash your hands again.

Minimum order

Washable THM900HTN face masks are singularly packed in boxes of 25.
The minimum order is 1000 pieces.


Via Inghilterra, 15/A
35010  Vigonza (PD)
Tel: +39-049.8640809
Fax: +39-049.7423121

Piazza Quattro Novembre, 4
2014  Milano
Tel: +39-

Via Sandro Botticelli, 34
10154  Torino
Tel: +39-

Via Besso, 68
6900 Lugano, Ticino (CH)
Tel: +41-

P.I. 05160150289

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