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FFP2 disposable shell mask | Cast Bolzonella


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FFP2 shell masks


FFP2 masks, or more correctly respirators or filtering face pieces (hence the name FFP), are devices for personal use that protect the respiratory tract from dust, smoke, solid and liquid aerosols that are harmful to health.

FFP2 shell masks with nose piece and heat-sealed elastics



FFP2 shell mask:



Detail of aluminium nose pad of FFP2 disposable mask

CE certified

FFP2 face masks are CE certified, according to the 2016/425 legislation on PPEs

Detail of nose padding

Adjustable aluminium nose pad

Maintains the given shape, ensuring that the nasal bridge and mask have a secure hold

Detail opf ultrasonic welded of the elastic

Comfortable nose padding

The soft foam pad reduces rubbing on the nose. Improves comfort and increases protection




Technical information


FFP2 disposable masks are made of highly effective 100% polypropylene three-layer  filtering material. They are valve-free and have a nasal foam padding. The elastic bands are ultrasonic welded.

Its cup structure helps to keep the shape in case of crushing and the large internal space helps to breathe more easily. It is ideal for all-day use.

The disposable FFP2 mask is CE CAT III certified.

FFP2 ahell face mask structure


How to wear it?


Before using the mask, it is essential to wash your hands thoroughly, or rub them with alcohol-based hand disinfectant gel

To put it on, simply place it on your face and pull the upper elastic band around the top of your head. The lower elastic band should be worn at the base of the neck.

Tighten the flexible part on the nasal bridge area so that the mask adheres well to the face.

To remove the mask, do it by grabbing again the elastic bands, taking care not to touch the inside of the mask.

Once thrown into mixed waste, it is important to wash your hands again.


Minimum of order


FFP2 disposable masks are in packs of 20 pieces.

The required minimum order quantity is 200 pieces.




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35010  Vigonza (PD)
Tel: +39-049.8640809
Fax: +39-049.7423121

Piazza Quattro Novembre, 4
2014  Milano
Tel: +39-

Via Sandro Botticelli, 34
10154  Torino
Tel: +39-

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6900 Lugano, Ticino (CH)
Tel: +41-

P.I. 05160150289

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