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Choose the most suitable filtering mask | Cast Bolzonella

How to choose the most suitable protective mask

The choice of the mask, in the context of COVID-19 emergency, must be done according to the needs of filtering performance, but also evaluating the context in which it will be used. 

Masks in comparison

To better understand the features of all our masks, we have prepared a table that compares them. 

Type BFE* Duration Protection offered Who must wear it

Medical Mask
Disposable surgical face mask type I


EN 14683:2019 type I

It is not a PPE. It is a medical device.

It filters the exhaled air

Infected people, who think they might be infected or think they might came into contact with an infected person.

Medical mask

Disposable surgical face mask type II



EN 14683:2019 type II tipo II

It is not a PPE

It limits the spread of potentially harmful particles.

It filters the exhaled air.

Health workers in operating rooms or in other medical activities.

Foldable KN95 face masks

foldable KN95 face mask


GB 2626-2006

It is not a PPE

It protects from low-medium toxicity aerosol, and non-oil-based particles

It filters air in both direction

Personal use

FFP2 shell face masks

FFP2 shell face masks



EN 149:2001+A1:2009

It is a PPE

It protects from low-medium toxicity aerosol, and non-oil-based particles

It filters air in both direction

Non-infected people and health workers who needs protection

Foldable FFP2 facial masks

foldable ffp2 face masks


EN 149:2001+A1:2009

It is a PPE

It protects from low-medium toxicity aerosol, and non-oil-based particles

It filters air in both direction

Non-infected people and health workers who needs protection

*Minimum bacterial filtration efficiency



Comparison between the filtering capacity of different types of masks

Orienting between the many types of masks can be complicated. The performance data required by the various regulations are difficult to interpret, which is why we decided to propose a more immediate reading scheme.

KN95 Mask

KN95 Mask with valve*

KN100 Mask

KN100 Mask with valve*

FFP1 Mask

Immagine esplicativa dell'efficacia espiratoria e inspiratoria delle mascherina monouso FFP1

FFP1 Mask with valve*

FFP2 Mask

Immagine esplicativa dell'efficacia espiratoria e inspiratoria delle mascherina monouso FFP2

FFP2 Mask with valve*

FFP3 Mask

FFP3 mask with valve*

Medical mask type  I

Medical mask type  II

*To filter also the air out of the exhalation valve, a medical mask can be added over the valve mask.

N.A.=not applicable 

The above table shows a non-negligible fact: Valved respirators offer protection only during the inhalation phase.
The non-return valves of the respirators are called "exhalation" because, while during inhalation they close to force air filtration, during exhalation they open allowing a free flow. Although this guarantees the wearer greater comfort in terms of heat and humidity, it does not offer any obstacle to the outgoing air, and with it to the droplets (droplets) exhaled, which could be a vector for viruses and bacteria.
To limit the spread of the virus, therefore, valve-less masks are preferable.
As an alternative, a medical mask can be added on top of the valve-mounted respirators. This solution allows to maintain a good comfort of use and at the same time to filter the air during exhalation.


purchase of disposable surgical protective masks with 3-ply, certified EN 14683

purchase of disposable FFP2 protective masks without valve

purchase of hand washing sanitizing gel without rinsing, hand disinfection





Workwear catalogue


Corporate clothing catalogue

How to choose the most suitable protective mask

The choice of the mask, in the context of COVID-19 emergency, must be done according to the needs of filtering performance, but also evaluating the context in which it will be used. 

Masks in comparison

To better understand the features of all our masks, we have prepared a table that compares them. 

Type BFE* Duration Protection offered Who must wear it

Medical Mask
Disposable surgical face mask type I


EN 14683:2019 type I

It is not a PPE. It is a medical device.

It filters the exhaled air

Infected people, who think they might be infected or think they might came into contact with an infected person.

Medical mask

Disposable surgical face mask type II



EN 14683:2019 type II tipo II

It is not a PPE

It limits the spread of potentially harmful particles.

It filters the exhaled air.

Health workers in operating rooms or in other medical activities.

Foldable KN95 face masks

foldable KN95 face mask


GB 2626-2006

It is not a PPE

It protects from low-medium toxicity aerosol, and non-oil-based particles

It filters air in both direction

Personal use

FFP2 shell face masks

FFP2 shell face masks



EN 149:2001+A1:2009

It is a PPE

It protects from low-medium toxicity aerosol, and non-oil-based particles

It filters air in both direction

Non-infected people and health workers who needs protection

Foldable FFP2 facial masks

foldable ffp2 face masks


EN 149:2001+A1:2009

It is a PPE

It protects from low-medium toxicity aerosol, and non-oil-based particles

It filters air in both direction

Non-infected people and health workers who needs protection

*Minimum bacterial filtration efficiency



Comparison between the filtering capacity of different types of masks

Orienting between the many types of masks can be complicated. The performance data required by the various regulations are difficult to interpret, which is why we decided to propose a more immediate reading scheme.

KN95 Mask

KN95 Mask with valve*

KN100 Mask

KN100 Mask with valve*

FFP1 Mask

Immagine esplicativa dell'efficacia espiratoria e inspiratoria delle mascherina monouso FFP1

FFP1 Mask with valve*

FFP2 Mask

Immagine esplicativa dell'efficacia espiratoria e inspiratoria delle mascherina monouso FFP2

FFP2 Mask with valve*

FFP3 Mask

FFP3 mask with valve*

Medical mask type  I

Medical mask type  II

*To filter also the air out of the exhalation valve, a medical mask can be added over the valve mask.

N.A.=not applicable 

The above table shows a non-negligible fact: Valved respirators offer protection only during the inhalation phase.
The non-return valves of the respirators are called "exhalation" because, while during inhalation they close to force air filtration, during exhalation they open allowing a free flow. Although this guarantees the wearer greater comfort in terms of heat and humidity, it does not offer any obstacle to the outgoing air, and with it to the droplets (droplets) exhaled, which could be a vector for viruses and bacteria.
To limit the spread of the virus, therefore, valve-less masks are preferable.
As an alternative, a medical mask can be added on top of the valve-mounted respirators. This solution allows to maintain a good comfort of use and at the same time to filter the air during exhalation.


Via Inghilterra, 15/A
35010  Vigonza (PD)
Tel: +39-049.8640809
Fax: +39-049.7423121

Piazza Quattro Novembre, 4
2014  Milano
Tel: +39-

Via Sandro Botticelli, 34
10154  Torino
Tel: +39-

Via Besso, 68
6900 Lugano, Ticino (CH)
Tel: +41-

P.I. 05160150289

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